I am from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, traditionally known
as a Christian nation. Though I don’t believe in religion, I can be called a
protestant, a Christian religion that comprises 20% minority of the whole
population. The majority of Ethiopians are Orthodox Christians. There has
always been tension among this religions based on minor doctrine details. I
believe not so many people know that the doctrinal difference between these 2
religions is only 15%. After all that is the problem with religion, it
exaggerates minor doctrinal details, laws, rituals, customs and takes the whole
focus from what is supposed to be the center of religion, God.
Well, there are things that annoy me about the followers
of both these religions. I want to focus on only one today. Most Protestants
often blame the Orthodox Christians for bowing to images and statues of Mary, mother
of Jesus, angels and saints. The exaggerated term used by Protestants for this
act is ‘worshipping idols,’ and their defense is the angel’s response to John
when he bowed for him, “Don’t do
that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your fellow prophets and with all
who keep the words of this scroll. Worship
God!” Revelation 22:9 and the second commandment, you shall not make an
idol for you and worship them. But I don’t think Orthodox followers who know
the right teachings of Orthodox Church bow down in worship but just pay respect
to Mother of Jesus, Mary, and angels. I believe one of the things the Orthodox
Church is better than the Protestants are in giving respect to Mary, which most
of us, Protestants don’t. A friend once
said to me, we respect our pastors, our fellow brothers and sisters and how
some of us disrespectfully speak of the mother of our Lord is really insane.
On this post I would like to share the incident that
makes me say, ‘if (emphasis on if here) the Orthodox and Catholic Christians
really worship ‘idols’ in the image of Mary, the angels and saints; at least
those are better idols. In my travel to
Thailand I saw various idols and thought, ‘well what is the big deal if these
people make an idol of Mary, the angels and saints, as long as they know God,
as long as they know Jesus who was incarnated and born from the blessed woman who
is highly favored by God, as long as they know Jesus died on the cross for the
sin of all human beings, and most of all they believe in the Bible, that clearly states the
way to salvation.
The White Temple
Well, the incident was, a couple of months back I
went to visit a very famous temple in Thailand, called the White Temple. I am
sorry to radically shift from talking about Christianity to Buddhism; after all
I am on the same general idea, religion. The architecture of the temple was
magnificent, well thought off, beautiful and creepy at the same time.
The White Temple: Photo by Genaye Eshetu |
into the compound of the temple there are head sculptures hanging in trees
including recognizable characters such as Predator, from the movie starring
Arnold Schwarzenegger. Crossing over a bridge of purgatory there are
countless sculpted hands reaching towards you, these hands seem to be of
thirsty souls from hell begging for water, since there are bowls in some of the hands.
The White Temple Photo by Genaye Eshetu |
The temple is somehow
designed to show the battle between good and evil. I don’t actually understand
what was presented to be good, except images of people flying in the clouds.
The drawings on the wall inside the temple seem to show that evil comes from
Hollywood movies and modernization. There are drawings of Michel Jackson, Kung
Fu Panda, Neo from the Matrix, Superman and many more characters you can recognize
from Hollywood movies. There are many more images you can recognize
if you pay a closer look, such as small portraits of Bin Laden, the Twin Towers
of the World Trade Center. There
are also creepy drawings representing the devil. For an Ethiopian, who has visited many
traditional churches throughout Ethiopia, these drawings are very strange to be
found in a temple. I bet they are strange for most other visitors as well.
most striking was for me to see colored mural of the Buddha. It is the first thing one would
see getting inside the temple. In front of the mural there are 2 statues of
Buddha, followed by a smaller statue of a monk. The monk looks so real, at
first I thought it is really a monk sitting there.
After walking around
the temple, and seeing the various drawings on the wall, I stand for a couple
of minutes looking at the mural of Buddha and people coming to say prayers.
People of different ages come, kneel before the mural praying. No offense to
any Buddhist reading this, but as a Christian those are just idols for me, a
great sculptural art of Buddha, a person who at one time lived a good life and
passed away like any of us. Don’t get me wrong, I have read the origin and
basics of Buddhism and teaching of Buddha, which are really interesting.
Anyways as I was
looking at the people, a woman came with her son, who could be 3 years old. She
kneeled down and showed him how to kneel, she showed him the mural of Buddha
and she started praying. The son imitates everything his mom does. And besides
them was a man with a child a little older than the other one. He also looks at
his dad and imitates everything.
Looking at these
people, I got overwhelmed with the thought that these people have never heard
of Jesus. Since childhood all they saw was the image of Buddha. These people
never heard of the God, who is above all gods. The God, who loved them so much that
He sent his only begotten Son to die on a cross for their sins. Jesus, who knew
them personally before the creation of the world and loved them whoever they
are and what ever they do,. Jesus, who was willing to die for them to pay for
any wrong thing they do, for any pain they would feel. He overcame death and
was resurrected on the third day.
This is not just
history that happened 2000 years back, and all we have now is a book of rules
(Bible) to follow. The Bible is the book of the greatest love story ever told.
And Jesus is as real as he was 2000 years back, when he was human who walked in
this world teaching, healing and delivering people. He still listens to and answers prayers. He
didn’t only teach about love but he himself is love. He didn’t only teach about
peace but He still can overflow one’s soul with peace that passes understanding.
Personally Jesus’ love has been so tangible and real in my life, that I even
feel him so close often with his arms over my shoulders.
My New Japanese Friend
The above is one of
the most emotionally overwhelming experiences I had outside my world of
‘Christianity.’ But one more experience adds up to this. A day before my visit
to the White Temple, I met a Japanese guy. He was a guest of mom Sherry and
Pastor Chuck (the directors of the school I went to in Thailand
www.medialightasia.com). During that day we were doing a baptism of one of the
students. Throughout the day I noticed he did, everything we did. When we sing
and clap, he claps; when we raise our hands, he raises his hands, when we lay
hand on each other and pray, he prays. So I thought, this guy could be a Christian
and if not he had some idea of Christianity. Later I started to converse with him.
To my surprise, I learnt that he on the other hand does his prayers to his
grand mother and his ancestors. He actually only prays if he is nervous or is
in a difficult situation. He told me that he is a god to himself. He has Thai
and Hindu scripts tattooed on his hands and neck. According to him, the scripts
protect Him. He lives for today, when he dies, he believes that he will be incarnated
as a man or mosquito based on his deeds in this life. Eternity is on earth for
him, an ongoing process of incarnation.
I wished to ask him
if he was happy with his life; then I remembered I knew what real joy is after
I found Jesus. How can one know how being wet feels like without ever getting
into water? How could one know if s/he is happy unless they get into water of
life, Jesus?
After these experiences,
I felt sorry for my Christian nation, for myself and religious friends who
waste their life arguing over doctrinal details within Christian religions,
Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant. I thought of the hours we spent arguing over
Mary, angels and saints statue and whether Mary and angels can plead to God on
behalf of us. All our religious arguments over how to act, how to talk, what to
speak, what to wear and what to eat came to my mind. We don’t often realize in
the time we spend arguing over such matters over 166 people die in Ethiopia and
about 3000 die in the world every hour without ever hearing the gospel.
Writing down this
sentence make me think how I spend my every days….humm
The 10/40 Window
I first heard of the “10/40
Window”from the webpage/ www.medialightasia.com.
It is a term used to refer to the rectangular area of the world from
10 degrees to 40 degrees latitude. This rectangle stretches from Southeast
Asia, across the Middle East, over to West Africa. The 10/40 Window is home to
approximately 97% of the 2.5 billion unreached people in the world today. There
are over 10,000 people groups in this window; 6,000 of those have never had
access to the gospel.
Remember every day,
more than 70,000 people die in this world without having ever heard the gospel
of Jesus Christ.
“How can they believe
in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone
preaching to them?” Rom 10:14